It took some time for some businesses to grasp that Social Media and Content Marketing is not just for kids. It’s very a core channel now and in my opinion, beats advertising for longevity
All types of business in a range of sectors are focussing on structured and considered content marketing. Rattling out blogs invested resourced carefully to produce valuable content and paying for associated content advertising.
So, why should you embrace content marketing and invest the time in producing high-value content? Well, it because according to our research 47% of buyers check out between three and five pieces of your content or advocates content (even better) before getting in touch or speaking to one of your no doubt charming salespeople.
About 70% of people in studies said they would instead do their homework, study a range of content sources above traditional advertising. Traditional advertising is now increasingly perceived as inauthentic.
Pay attention to creating content that engages with your target buyer personas, target audiences and encapsulates your brand.
We also want ongoing repeat businesses – advocation and sharing of content, so think about your existing customers too. It’s essential your define these things before you head out, and it helps benchmark what you are saying and producing. Consistency does inspire confidence.
A big mistake a see often is just pushing out advertising as content; it’s a bit of a cheap shot. It looks desperate, and well if you get it right, you won’t need to advertise. You are building a relationship. Content marketing is a slow and gradual thing but powerful and long-lasting. You can still tip the odd promotion in the space but refrain from bombardment. Be subtle and charming, stitch the sell into your content but only some of the time.
It a phenomenal way to build your brand and engagement on a limited budget if you are an SME, so what are you waiting for?